Unlucky Jumping

Dear Diary,


ordinarily on Fridays the horses don´t have to do much. I´m walking with Rico, my mother does a little walk with Tobi. But as it should be there are times when that doesn´t work. This time my mother was late because she took longer for the weekly shopping with my grandmother. My grandmother seemed to buy half of the shop empty.


So I made the horses ready all by myself. I did a little walk anyway to warm them up which was a circus act as always, because they often don´t walk the same pace and now and then one of them stops because he´s hearing something.


After that I took them into the little hall to let them trot a bit. I also used a cavaletti to let them trot over it for a bit. On the left hand side it was all fine. But on the right hand side they “had” to gallop again. So they were jumping the cavaletti. Rico had a bit of bad timing. If he had just jumped a little wider and landed good it would have been all fine. But he landed with his foreleg strechted out, with the leg that had the injury of the tendon.


He walked fine after that but the next weeks will show if that won´t change….




Good thing of the day


The horses cared so well for they fur and I did such a good cleaning that they were all shiny...


Yours, Catty


(all mistakes are intentionally placed)


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