Summer - Break?

Dear Diary,



during school vacations there is also less to do in the shop. ´Cause somehow even the retired people go on holidays in this time of the year. So the last week was very quiet. We occupied our time with books, smartphones, introductions of ol childrens series´ and talks about Pokemon.


But as it should be, there was chaos again exactly on Friday. In the afternoon there were actions with customers scheduled. One of our customers bought his aids after testing them. Shortly after leaving the shop, he came back: He lost one of his aids!


So the searching began – without success. Luckily he had made an insurance for testing, so the lost one will go with that and he´ll get a new one for usage.


Additionally there was a phone call not long before lunch. A colleague from another town needed help on Saturday. Exactly on this Saturday I had many things planned and a friend visiting. The colleague had a customer scheduled for another colleague who was still on sick leave. She herself couldn´t do it because she has no education for what was needed for this customer.


We had it organized that I couldn´t doe the whole shift on Saturday, but I was doing this customer. During that time I parked my friend in town…


Naturally there is no bonus aside from the little bit I get for driving there.




Good thing of the day


There is even help for memorizing no on the train stations…




(all mistakes are intentionally placed…)


Yours, Catty


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